Exercising in a Pilates Studio
You’ve decided you want to attend a Pilates class. Maybe you’re on a new health kick, you want to try something new, or you’re a seasoned Pilates fan and you want to stretch your wings. The first thing you might do is type a certain phrase into your favourite search engine: Pilates near me. Location is definitely an important factor to take into account because you don’t want to spend an hour getting to where you need to be, especially after a long day. But it’s not the only thing you want to consider when you look for the perfect Pilates class. You’ve got a few other important points to think about. 


Before you get stuck into the details, begin with the basics. Are you a beginner, intermediate, or ready to get stuck into an advanced class? Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re probably not a Pilates expert. Perhaps you have attended a few classes in the past or you’ve tried out a taster session, but you’re not yet at an advanced level. If you’re completely new to Pilates or haven’t had much experience with it, a beginner’s class is likely to be your best bet. If you feel a bit more confident and have enjoyed Pilates for a while, or want to get back into it after a break, an intermediate class might work for you. 


Mats, reformers, tables, towers – what? These can all sound pretty baffling if you’re looking for a Pilates class for the first time. This is why simply searching for a Pilates class near me isn’t the ideal way to find what you’re looking for. It helps to be familiar with the different equipment used in classes and which option is best for you. If you’re a beginner, you might be tempted to start with a mat-based class. It looks pretty simple, after all. However, it’s not quite as simple as that. 
Mat – thicker than a yoga mat, it’s raised at one end, with a strap at the other. The mat is designed to give your spine extra support. Even though it seems like a simple piece of equipment, it’s not always ideal for beginners without the tension other pieces of equipment provide. 
Reformer – if you’re looking a full-body workout, a reformer Pilates class is a fantastic option. The reformer uses spring resistance on a moving carriage for pushing and pulling movements that tone your body and improve your fitness. To a beginner, it might look a little intimidating, but it’s a great option to introduce you to Pilates. 
Trapeze table – trapeze tables can offer another great option for beginners, and it’s excellent for more experienced Pilates practitioners too. Plus, getting up in the air is a lot of fun. 
Tower – towers are attached to reformers to make some trapeze moves possible. You can also use them up against a wall. 


It’s not all about the equipment and the moves. The people who lead your classes make a huge difference to your experience. You might not be able to meet them before you attend a class, but you can find out about them before you go. Check out who runs individual classes by looking at a class timetable, then look at the instructor bio for whoever runs the class you want to go to. For outside validation, read reviews and see if you can speak to people who have attended the classes before. The best way to get a feel for how an instructor can help you, though, is to go and check out a class first-hand. 


Location shouldn’t be forgotten, and where your class is located is likely to be a priority for you. If you need to find a class near your home or work, or another location you frequent, one of the best ways to do it is to use Google Maps or a similar application. You can even use voice search if that’s your preferred way to look for anything you need. 
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