Posted on 8th April 2022 at 15:38
As a result of Covid-19, there have been changes to our studios’ policies and the way we practice.
The health and safety of our clients and our team is paramount. In order to help manage any potential risks, we have taken steps to allow us to continue to offer Pilates classes in a safe environment. We have undertaken a full risk assessment and the following key safety measures and additional protocols will be implemented to mitigate any potential risk.
All instructors have been updated on these policies and any training required has been carried out. Before you book a class, please make sure you are familiar and comfortable with these protocols.

Symptoms & Recent Travel
As advised by the NHS and Public Health England if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, you should not attend Bootcamp Pilates and you should self isolate in line with the current guidelines.
A high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
A new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual). A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
Covid-19 regulations mean that you must self-isolate for 14 days if you arrive in the UK from a country outside travel corridor exemptions. This applies to all travel to England, by train, ferry, coach, air or any other route.
Changes in Studio
Safety screens have been installed between reformers. Studios’ operating hours may be reduced and as such there will be reduced practitioner availability. Our cleaning schedule has been enhanced. Medical grade disinfectant is used throughout the studios by an external provider. We will be operating a limited waiting area, so please arrive at the time of your class.
Arriving for your class
If you arrive early for your class, please wait in the reception area. You will be greeted by our support staff or your instructor who will be operating temperature checks. There are four hand sanitising stations in the building; two in reception, one as you go into the studio and one in the studio. Please make sure that you use these if you are able. However, washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is an acceptable alternative.
Please avoid bringing any unnecessary articles such as additional clothing or bags.
Please attend your appointment alone.
All magazines have been removed from the studios.
The studios will not currently be giving out disposable cups, so please bring a water-bottle
with you.
During your class
PPE is worn by all staff
After your class
We supply sanitising wipes and would ask that you wipe down the reformer machine, springs and any other equipment you have used; magic circles, dumbbells. etc. Please wash your hands before leaving the studios. The appointments are staggered by 10 minutes to allow time for clients to clean the equipment, and leave the studio, and to allow for social distancing between classes.
Whilst we are doing everything we can to mitigate the risks associated with Covid-19, please remember any contact at this time comes with some risks. Your full support and compliance are therefore required to ensure we can keep the level of risk to a minimum. Thank you for your co-operation. If you have any queries regarding the changes in protocols, please do not hesitate to contact us on or 0207 034 0000. We are unable to refund class purchases because of temporary tier 3 closures but classes and memberships will be frozen and expiry dates will be updated
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